Sunday, March 2, 2008

I'm new

Hello I'm new to this so don't make fun of me. I guess I can write random stuff so i like to announce that I'm going on a long camping trip with my family. Also my favorite food is fillet min yon... i think that's how it's spelled. I like watching t.v. and play computer. UMM... I think that's about it... OH I like dinosaurs, money, cookies, making cookies (I would advise you not to eat them though.), my pet snake (I've already gotten bit 3 times while feeding him.), and PS2.


Hot Pants said...

I would never make fun of you! I know if I did, you would wrestle me to the ground.

SamtheWaite said...


Amy Coontz said...

I am a friend of your Mom's from when we were a lot younger.
Do you feed your snake in it's cage, or do you have a separate cage to feed him in? When we got our snake they said we shouldn't feed him in his cage, then he wouldn't ever think there would be food in there, and hopefully not try to eat your finger.

Emily said...

Hey Briggy!!! I'm glad you have a blog now! You have to keep us all updated on your life now. Love you.