Monday, March 3, 2008


people it turns out that my only life is in the computer... oh and in scouts (life scout is next to eagle for people that don't know) so i have a lv 48 tuaren hunter w/ a pet scorpid and my nieghbohs play it too she has a lv 70 and so does the husband (freakin sweet) oh and sam we need to play on that together more. I have an idea hehe 2 tuaren druids both called bearbutts (a bear is one of there forms) ecxpet you'll be a healer and i'll be the tank and we will be a twinking team hows that. same gear and everything. So thats it and i can relate to too white and nerdy song on my moms blog. yep thats about it.


Anonymous said...

I have no idea about your computer games, and it sucks that your snake bites. But it is good to read your blog!
Aunt Lindy

ManicMandee said...

Do you really have that pet snake? When did you get it? Love you!

Anonymous said...

Your web is great!! I learned something about WOW here!!!!